Regional NPL Initiative Workshop June 2015

NPL Resolution in emerging Europe: 
Taking Stock and Next Steps

Vienna Initiative 2.0 Regional NPL Workshop, Vienna, 26 June 2015

Non-performing loans (NPLs) are a legacy of the global financial crisis and are a major factor holding back the growth of credit, economic expansion and job creation in several countries of central and south-eastern Europe. Through its Regional NPL Initiative, the Vienna Initiative is now applying its pan-regional approach to the NPL issue while at the same time ensuring that appropriate individual country solutions are sought and delivered for each of the countries involved.

Vienna Initiative partners from the official sector met in Vienna on 26 June to assess the progress of the Regional NPL Initiative. This conference was an opportunity to hear how country plans are progressing, to discuss best practices and also to take stock of NPL resolution responses in other regions.

Participants included high level representatives from the region, the Governor of the Bank of Albania; the Governor of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia; the Deputy Governor of the Croatian National Bank, and senior representatives of the Central Bank of Hungary, the National Bank of Romania and of the Serbian Ministry of Finance and central bank.

For more information on the event and its outcomes, please click on the links below.

Press Release


List of Participants


Taking Stock on NPL Resolution: action process and country plans

1. Addressing NPLs - Gent Sejko, Governor, Bank of Albania

2. Macedonian Experience - Dimitar Bogov, Governor, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia

3. NPL Resolution - State of Play Croatia - Damir Odak, Vicegovernor, Croatian National Bank

4. NPL resolution in progress: the Hungarian experience - Gergely Fábián, Director, Central Bank of Hungary

5. NPL resolution in the case of Romania - Virgil Dascalescu, Head of Financial Institutions Division, Financial Stability Department, National Bank of Romania

Lessons learned from NPL resolution processes in selective regions

6. Lessons learned from NPL resolution in euro area countries - Reiner Martin, Deputy Head of Division, Macro Financial Linkages, European Central Bank

7. NPL resolution in non-euro zone countries - Corina Weidinger Sosdean, DG Financial Stability, financial services and capital markets union, European Commission

8. Good Practices for NPL Resolution – Constant Verkoren, Senior Financial Sector Expert, IMF and Anna Ilyina, Division Chief, IMF

Best practices in different areas of NPL resolution

9. NPL Resolution and provisioning policies – Slavka Eley, Head of Supervisory Convergence Unit, European Banking Authority

10. “Bad banks” and peer pressure – Lars Nyberg, Chairman of the Board, DUTB Bank Assets Management Company

11. Asset sales: helping and hindering factors – Ines Rocha, Senior Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

12. NPL and the Legal Environment – Carl Chastenay, Financial Sector Advisory Center, World Bank Group

13. Corporate restructuring: how IFI participation can help? EBRD’s role in corporate restructuring – Elena Dimanina, Senior Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

14. Deleveraging an NPL portfolio: a role for a senior ABS investor? – Claudio Zucca, Lending Department, European Investment Bank