Full Forum 2014

Vienna Initiative Full Forum 2014

Annual Full Forum Meeting of the Vienna Initiative, Brussels, 13 November 2014

Full Forum 01

The Vienna Initiative 2.0 Full Forum met in Brussels in November 2014. Vienna Initiative partners met to discuss the Vienna Initiative's achievements over the past year, ongoing work and to outline the objectives for the initiative for the next year. A key focus of discussions was to work towards sustained credit recovery by accelerating balance sheet cleaning, reducing non-performing loans (NPLs) and boosting the use of credit enhancement schemes. The Forum also discussed options to enhance cross-border regulatory coordination between the recently established Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and emerging European countries that are not already members, with a special focus on non-EU countries in South-Eastern Europe (SEE).

The Forum reached the following key conclusions:

  • It endorsed a broad NPL project under the Vienna Initiative framework – the Regional NPL Initiative
  • It encouraged an increased use of credit guarantee schemes to enhance credit provision and encouraged IFIs to take a larger role in strengthening credit guarantee schemes
  • It supported efforts by the European Banking Authority (EBA) and other European institutions to develop close regulatory ties between the institutions of the banking union and non-EU SEE countries

For more information, including a more detailed account of the conclusions reached and priorities set by the Forum, please click on the links below.

Press Release


Presentations and statements:

  1. 'Priorities for the Vienna Initiative in 2015' - Statement by Governor Marek Belka, Chairman of the Vienna Initiative Steering Committee
  2. 'Macroeconomic Outlook for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE)' - Anna Ilyina, IMF
  3. 'CESEE Deleveraging and Credit Monitor' - Anna Ilyina, IMF
  4. 'Vienna Initiative Bank Lending Survey in CESEE' - Luca Gattini, European Investment Bank
  5. 'Non-EU Country Cooperation with EU Authorities' - Lars Nyberg, Adviser to the Vienna Initiative Steering Committee
  6. 'Cooperation between EU authorities and non-EU host supervisory authorities' - Indrit Banka, Bank of Albania
  7. 'Single Supervisory Mechanism' - Linette Field, European Central Bank
  8. 'Working group on credit guarantee schemes: Summary and conclusions of the WG report' - Aurora Ferrari (the World Bank Group), Paweł Gąsiorowski (National Bank of Poland) and Áron Gereben (EIB)
  9. 'NPL Resolution: A Region-Wide NPL Project' - Piroska M. Nagy, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  10. 'Third Report on the Joint IFI Action Plan for Growth in Central and South Eastern Europe' - Mark Allen, Advisor to the Vienna Initiative Steering Committee, speaking on behalf of the World Bank Group, the EIB and EBRD